Adam's photo

Adam Bolsover

Web Developer

My Details


  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • C
  • Bash

About Me

My name is Adam Bolsover, and this page is a portfolio of some of my projects. I have used HTML, CSS and Javascript in the making of the projects listed below.

I have a master's degree in Chemistry, and also have experience in programming with C, Python and Bash. I have spent a decade in the print industry, learning things such as colour science.

This page uses my current favourite CSS property, Box SHadow that is removed on hover, which can be seen in the banner below the header of this page. This helps the pictures on the page blend with the colour scheme, but still be able to focus on the image when looking at it.

Outside of web development, I enjoy 3D Printing, Rock Climbing and Cycling.

Contact Me

My Work

CSS Portfolio

This portfolio was made using HTML and CSS

Travel California

This page was made to match a wire frame using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

CSS Cheatsheat

This page was created from scratch to match a mockup using HTML and CSS.


This page was modified to improve accessibility, and refactored.

Landing Page

This landing page was created from scratch with HTML and CSS.

CSS Zen Garden

CSS Zen Gardens Activity.

Pre Work Study Guide

This page was created during the prework.